Judging By The Way You Look I’m Sure You Won’t Be Successful

An exercise in digging beneath the surface

Kristi Keller
Age of Empathy


Photo by Seyi Ariyo on Unsplash

You probably judge by appearances without even knowing. I’ve done it. We all have. There’s a ton of subtle, underhanded judgment filtering its way through everyday life.

Witnessing someone else’s subtle biases can instantly make you realize you’re guilty of the same. It wasn’t until I had overheard a mother’s view on superficial appearances that I felt inspired to offload this piece.

The conversation was between a mother and daughter after the daughter had expressed an interest in tattooing herself.

The mother’s immediate responses were, “Don’t you want to be a doctor? And don’t you think tattoos will interfere with that? How many doctors have you seen that are covered in tattoos? Won’t it be hard for you to find scholarships?”

Since when do tattoos prevent someone from achieving 4.0 averages or becoming a doctor?

Oh, wait. That question answers itself. Society judges the hell out of people based on physical appearance alone. But why?

On one side of the coin, I scoffed at her blatant judgement of physical appearances, on the other side I realized I’ve done the exact same thing.



Kristi Keller
Age of Empathy

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story. https://wildhoodwanted.substack.com/