Little Encouragement Is All We Need

A shared human experience through the language of kindness

Gagandeep Kakar
Age of Empathy
5 min readOct 14, 2023


Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash

In a dimly lit studio, dreams hung by a thread,
An artist’s spirit, weary, heavy, full of dread.
But in this darkness, a note, by a stranger’s hand,
A lifeline, a spark, helping them finally understand.

A simple handwritten message, on paper so plain,
Yet within those lines, a magic did reign.
A whisper, so gentle, with a tender grace,
Reviving the artist’s creative space.

The weight of doubt lifted, like clouds in the sky,
As the artist’s spirit soared, reaching for highs.
In those humble words, a world came alive,
A fire rekindled, ready to thrive.

Oh, the power of encouragement, so small, yet so grand,
It breathes life into dreams, like a gentle hand.
In the heart’s quiet moments, it takes its cue,
To ignite the extraordinary in me and you.

I’ve come to realize that everyone is an artist, and at times, everyone is a stranger too. We all possess dreams that we nurture in our hearts, sometimes quietly, sometimes with relentless passion. These dreams are like the brushstrokes of our inner artists, painting the canvas of our lives with vibrant aspirations.

They could be the unspoken desire to write that novel, create a masterpiece on canvas, compose a symphony, start a business, or simply find a purpose that sets our souls on fire. But in our pursuit of these dreams, we can find ourselves lost in the web of self-doubt, our inner critic relentlessly whispering doubts and fears, searching for the smallest ray of hope.

During my college days, I was coping with the loss of my father, and I felt like a shipwrecked soul, lost in a vast and merciless ocean. The future, once filled with dreams and aspirations of becoming an engineer, had now become a distant and hazy mirage. I found myself juggling a part-time job to support both my education and my family alongside my studies, and hope seemed like an elusive specter, just out of reach.

It was during this harrowing time that I encountered an angel in disguise, my college teacher. In the midst of my struggles and the facade of strength I tried to maintain, she saw through the walls I had built, recognizing the storm raging within me. It was as if she possessed a sixth sense, an uncanny ability to discern the silent battle I was fighting behind closed doors, beneath the weight of my responsibilities and grief.

Our interactions with others can often be superficial, a mere exchange of pleasantries and formalities, but my teacher went beyond that. She took the time to truly understand me, to see the person behind the facade of resilience. In her perceptive gaze, I felt a sense of relief, as if I had found someone who genuinely cared about my well-being.

Her words, spoken with a warmth and sincerity that can only come from the heart, were like a lifeboat in the tempest that had become my life. She offered the lifeline I so desperately needed, a lifeline not just of emotional support but also one that extended into the realm of guidance and mentorship.

With unwavering conviction, she told me that I had the potential to excel in my studies, to craft a life free from the suffocating clutches of financial hardship. Those words were my salvation, the spark that ignited my spirit. They cut through the fog of self-doubt and despair, illuminating a path I had thought lost forever. In her encouragement, I found the strength to persevere, and to believe in a brighter tomorrow.

Years rolled by, and I clung to her unwavering belief in me like a lifeline. Her faith in my potential became the cornerstone upon which I built my future. As I pursued my engineering degree, the demands of my part-time job and the academic rigors of engineering coursework tested my limits, and there were moments when I felt exhausted. But it was in these moments that I would recall the encouraging words of my college teacher, and that memory would infuse me with renewed strength.

And then, finally, the culmination of my efforts arrived. I completed my engineering degree, a profound achievement that was far more than just a piece of paper. With my degree in hand, I secured a job that not only offered financial stability but also a sense of accomplishment. It was a moment of transition, a transition from the tumultuous sea of uncertainty to the shores of stability.

Today, as I stand at the juncture of my career, having successfully navigated the professional world for eight years, I find myself gazing back at the turbulent waters I once had to cross. Those years have seen me progress from the depths of despair to the pinnacle of success, and it’s a journey that underscores the profound influence of something often underestimated: the power of a little encouragement.

Throughout these eight years, I’ve had the privilege of leading a team within my firm, and I’ve come to appreciate firsthand the transformative potential of encouragement. Just as my college teacher’s belief in me lit a path through the darkest times of my education, I’ve witnessed how nurturing the spirits of my team members can lead to remarkable achievements.

It’s not just a well-intentioned pat on the back; it’s the art of fostering belief within your team members. It’s about recognizing their potential, even when they may not see it themselves, and consistently supporting their efforts. Through little encouragement, be it a word of praise for a job well done, a gentle push during challenging times, or a listening ear during moments of uncertainty, leaders can create an environment where their team members feel valued and inspired.

In the end, little encouragement delivered in the darkest of times can be the difference between sinking and swimming. It can breathe life into shattered dreams, fuel the fires of determination, and lead us out of the darkest tunnels into the light of a better future.

Let us remember the impact we can have on others. Let us be the guiding light for those lost in their storms, just as my teacher was for me. In our kindness and encouragement, we possess the power to save lives, change destinies, and ensure that even in the bleakest of moments, hope can prevail.

