Live Like You Know You’re Favored by the Gods

Nature and history inspire me

Evelyn Marentette
Age of Empathy


Photo by Author

When I capture a moment like this, it matters little what is going on in the world around me. A switch goes off in my head and I step away from the grind. I drink in the scenery. The golds and yellows almost too incredible to behold. A divine portal in a private sanctuary appears before me. Mesmerized, I hover on the threshold and wait for the sun to slip beneath the horizon.

Aah, but the gods.

Those gods, they take their time and dip the tip of brushes into tins filled with shades of ochre and salmon. They stain the skies with the bluest blush.

Shards of light prick my eyes. Tears well up and, I have to look away.

The stroke of their ingenuity spurs a notion in my head.

Fen and faery dart amongst axons and neurons, force them to connect in ways only an artist can understand. Their play teases my brain awake. A seed planted. Story sprouts.

A breeze blows off the water and, it stirs the bushes. The rustle of leaves secretes a message only meant for my ears. Mythical gods crave a story. Compelled to respond, they inspire me to capture their gift and translate it in my voice.



Evelyn Marentette
Age of Empathy

writer, stand-up paddle boarder, kayaker, hiker, re-envisions old homes, loves travel, reading & music. Nothing better than a Sunday Drive!