March 2021 Age of Empathy Prompt Entries and Winners

Learn how these writers embraced and redefined optimism

Shanna Loga
Age of Empathy


Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash

Dear fellow writers and readers,

Aimée Gramblin, Bingz Huang, and I are honored by all your prompt responses. You’ve encouraged us to reflect, reassess, and reimagine what optimism means, both through your personal stories and also in how the lessons you share apply to all of our lives.

Thank you to all the wonderful writers who submitted their work for this prompt response, including Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe, Sheryll James, David Sales, Kate Lynch, Julien Katzenmaier, and Kasun Ranasinghe. You shared hard-won and heartfelt insights and I invite all our of our followers to read your beautiful words.

Here are my favorite quotes from each entry:

You can win in life when you hope for the best and expect the best because, deep down, you understand that each thing, whether good or bad, comes into your life to refine you in your best self. — Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe



Shanna Loga
Age of Empathy

Multiracial Midwestern Mama | Multiniche — you never know what I’ll write about next (and neither do I) | She/her/hers |