Maybe the Average Is Average for a Reason

What really makes life worth living

Celine Hosea
Age of Empathy


Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash

Today I realized I was wrong about everything.

Previously, I used to internalize the philosophy of, “Be obsessed — or be average.” I believed that an unnatural tenacity required someone to be a master at their craft.

I was also personally motivated due to wanting to beat some people I know. I thought, if I proved what I could do to these people who hurt me in the past, I could finally get over them.

I became obsessive about my projects to an unhealthy extent. I forced myself to keep working until late at night. This does not guarantee productivity. I was a workaholic to the point that it disrupted my sleep schedule so much, I couldn’t sleep without melatonin pills.

I kept on getting up from my bed whenever I had an idea I couldn’t let go of. Inspirations range from thinking of publications to pitch to or writing prompts — the thesis for this article came at 3:00 AM.

I became like this because the people around me also were doing the same. My best friend sleeps at midnight earliest and wouldn’t stop working on his laptop before then.

I soon hit a brick wall when I realized I was miserable living like this. It was like being a slave to a to-do list. I would never…



Celine Hosea
Age of Empathy

Top writer in Feminism and Love. Indonesian writer. IG: celine.hosea | LinkTree: