My Power Rises

A poem about feeling connected to the natural world

Denise G
Age of Empathy
2 min readSep 23, 2020


photo by author

My power rises from the forest floor

Through the decay of the plants, trees

and creatures that are no more

My secrets and emotions flow

within the water table below

My power rises from the forest floor

Up through the ferns with their intricate leaves

a carpet of sacred geometry

My power flows from the forest floor

through my soles

into my core

rising through the forest

through plants, and branches

till it reaches the tree tops

The birds carry the power within their song

and on their wings

It is carried in the caw of the crow

as it rises above

The caw of the crow

reminds me of who I am

who I was

and who I am to be

In the eye of crow

I see all that lies below

I see all

The rooted power in the forest floor

The ethereal light and shadow

that permeates our world

The gift of foresight from above

in the eye of the crow

My power rises from the forest floor

A Short Bio
An empath with newly discovered passion for writing. I find writing helps me release emotions that I carry, sometimes they are not even my own emotions, an emotional sponge so to speak. Creativity is where I find balance and release. I’m a long time photographer, mostly nature and travel photography and have recently started painting as well. I am in my renaissance, metamorphic stage or mother to crone transition in life.
I have a personal blog which contains some of my writing and photography.

