My Professor Failed Me For Sleeping In His Class

I guess he felt insulted

Aabha Gopan
Age of Empathy


Photo by Tra Nguyen on Unsplash

I struggled during my late teens in university. It was the usual drama— identity crisis, clueless crush, controlling parents, poor grades, and so forth — and I lived in a world where I breathed, ate, and dreamt of these issues.

Naturally, due to my mental distress, I didn’t do the one thing I was sent to do in the university — study. In fact, I had no interest in completing my four-year Chemical Engineering degree.

So, I skipped lectures, copied assignments, flunked exams, and walked around the campus aimlessly. The most shameless of the things I did at that time was sleep during lectures.

My university mandated that every student have a 75 percent minimum attendance to appear for the final exam. Therefore, I unwillingly showed up for lectures even on days I was at my lowest, which, to be fair, was mostly every day. The result was that I got bored and, eventually, dozed off when professors were teaching.

Luckily, none of my professors seemed to mind — except one. Let’s call him Dr. Karl.

The young professor was the laughingstock of the department because of his boring lectures, which could be why he never smiled. He was known more for his bulging biceps and tight butt than his teaching.



Aabha Gopan
Age of Empathy

Loving human minds while changing my toddler's diaper.