My Struggle Within an Ever-Dehumanizing Capitalistic America

Thoughts on how to break free

Katrina St John
Age of Empathy


Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

It’s everywhere I turn. Even in my sleep. The relentless struggle to make money when there are now so few available opportunities to earn a dignified, meaningful income.

I’ve felt the growing pressure for years, sort of like a slow panic pulsating at the back of my mind. But now, there’s little hope of holding it back. The panic has become a scream I hear not only in myself but in the silent desperation of so many around me.

Capitalism, as an economic system, has been around for a long time. But with the massive transfers of wealth by way of large corporate tax cuts under the guise of trickle-down economics, the ballooning of multi-national corporations, and the increasing loss of workers’ rights and collective power, the past twenty to thirty years have led to a new era of desperation for a massive percentage of both the United States and global population.

In the United States, particularly in rural regions, it is rare to find available jobs that pay more than $12-$13 per hour. And, no, the cost of living isn’t that low. With rising costs of healthcare, transportation, food, and other basic necessities, these jobs do not provide for a sustainable quality of life.

