No, Your Daughter Didn’t Lose Her Virginity With a Tampon

Stop finding excuses to be a dumbass, please.

Ira Robinson
Age of Empathy


Painting by author (Ira Robinson)

I’ve had the chance to run across quite a few colorful characters during my 5 decades on this dust ball we call home.

Some have been amazing, letting me have a chance to pick their fascinating brains to figure out new ways of looking at the world. Others, not so much, but at least they’ve all contributed in some way to the furtherance of my exploration into what it means to be a human trying.

And then there’s Lawrence.

Lawrence (name changed to protect the stupid) isn’t what one would call a smart guy. Riddled with incredibly backward views that would probably be better suited in the midst of the Babylonian empire, rather than what we’d think of as a modern age, he has come up with some “real winners” before.

This one takes the cake.

You see, Lawrence decided to get on social media (never a good idea for the chronically dumb) and spout off about an incident between himself, his wife, and his daughter.

The diatribe went on for paragraphs, but the summary is how pissed off he was that his wife “allowed” his daughter to use a tampon during her period.



Ira Robinson
Age of Empathy

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at