Normalize Friendships Ending

With growth comes graceful endings

Emily Grace Smith
Age of Empathy


Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

According to Jim Rohn, you’re the sum of the five people closest to you. Therefore, it would make the most sense to become conscious of what type of people you spend your precious time and energy with.

When you’re on a personal growth path and you start to become conscious of the different areas of your life you’d like to improve, like your mindset, and your lifestyle choices; your friendships and close relationships come into play.

If you’re on a path of awakening and growth, and the people around you aren’t on the same path, it can impact your relationship. Even if you’re not focused on improving, you’re allowed to change. In fact, you’re meant to change.

The tricky thing is, we’re not taught how to end friendships.

Romantic relationships, yes. But friendship? We’re only aware of the best friends forever narrative. What happens when it ends, and not by a falling out? I can tell you it’s just as bad as a breakup, and actually, maybe worse.

There’s a quote from a poem with an unknown author, that says in life you have three types of friends: for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. The smallest percentage you’ll experience is the ‘lifetime’ type of friend. I’ve had friends…



Emily Grace Smith
Age of Empathy

Author, speaker, and coach for purpose-filled living. Take my free quiz, What Goddess Type Do You Need to Embody