Polyamory Updates: The Simmering Fear in My Stomach Is Finally Beginning To Fade

I’m finding my footing as my partner’s other relationship goes on hiatus

Anne Shark
Age of Empathy


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

It was a Friday night and I’d been avoiding going to bed because I fully expected to lie awake and toss and turn if I did, my brain refusing to shut off. My partner, Drake, was out with his other partner, Leigh, and I knew by now that I wasn’t likely to sleep until he was home, safe and sound.

Surprisingly though, I became increasingly tired, so I went to bed and ended up falling asleep with the lights still on, a book landing at some point onto my chest.

Sometime after midnight I awoke, confused. I stumbled, bleary-eyed out of the bedroom to see what had woken me.

Drake was in the room he sleeps in on nights we have different schedules, which is most. He was standing in the dark, his face illuminated by his phone screen. He looked up at me as I walked in, and in my half-asleep state, I instantly caught the energy radiating from him.

“Are you okay?” I asked, too groggy to check my words before they came out.

I’d registered sorrow radiating off of him. It was partly the look on his face, but more, it was the heaviness that filled the room.



Anne Shark
Age of Empathy

Polyamorous and sex-positive essayist, poet, and over-thinker.