Punk Rock — Musical Story Challenge

Punk rock is not dead. It just smells that way :-)

Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬
Age of Empathy


Me, just chillin’ Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Aimée Gramblin laid down the gauntlet after responding to Michael Whalen’s Musical Story Challenge “ How many songs from a single artist can you fit into a story?

I was tagged as someone who might enjoy the prompt. I did, and because I’m a Bad Man and have No Feelings I’ve changed it up a bit and used the All-Time Punk Top 100 list to write this story. Plus I threw in a few band names.

As a Young Blood in my Teenage years I traveled to Europe.

My friends all screamed “California Uber Alles” at me but I wanted to see the Anarchy In The UK and Party In Paris. No Government is what I was after even though the Brits were claiming God Save The Queen. Besides, my parents were in Complete Control of my life. I sought Chaos.

Since I’m An Upstart and always find a way to Fight Back, I said “Don’t Dictate to me mom and dad” before leaving. “I Believe In Anarchy. I’m off for some Holidays In The Sun.” I don’t like living with Police Oppression.

Right after my plane landed in London, I headed to the Hong Kong Garden hotel (a Nasty Nasty place) then out to get Too Drunk To Fuck. My Psyche was doing a Wardance in those days. Let’s Smash It Up and live a Wasted Life I thought.



Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬
Age of Empathy

The “MD” & “um” in Medium, and the “er” in wisenheimer | Doctor Funny editor/czar | Sultan of satire | disgraced former parking lot attendant