Rediscovering Self-Love

Journal Entry

Edwin J. Gasque
Age of Empathy


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Dear Journal,

Today, I want to share something deeply personal and beautiful that has been unfolding within me.

It’s about falling in love, not with another person, but with myself. It’s a journey of self-rediscovery that has breathed new life into my existence.

For a long time, I had lost sight of myself.

The hustle and bustle of daily life, the demands and expectations of the world, had gradually chipped away at my self-esteem and self-worth. I found myself constantly seeking validation from external sources, measuring my value through others’ eyes.

It was a path that led to self-doubt and a persistent feeling of emptiness.

Life has a way of sending us wake-up calls when we need them most. I had my wake-up call—a moment of clarity that told me I needed to reconnect with the most important person in my life: MYSELF.

I started by taking small steps.

I began practicing self-compassion, treating myself with the same kindness and understanding I would offer a dear friend. I learned to silence my harsh inner critic and replace it with words of encouragement and self-love.

It wasn’t easy at first, but over time, it became a habit.

I also started to prioritize self-care. I dedicated time to activities that brought me joy and nourished my soul. Whether it was a long walk in nature, reading a book, or indulging in a soothing bath, I made sure to carve out moments for myself that were purely mine.

Through self-reflection, I explored my passions, my dreams, and my values. I rekindled the flames of creativity and curiosity that had been dormant within me. I remembered what it felt like to be truly alive and to pursue my interests without fear of judgment or failure.

As I journeyed inward, I began to embrace my imperfections and quirks. I realized that these were the very things that made me unique and beautiful. I celebrated my flaws as badges of honor, reminders of the battles I had fought and the growth I had experienced.

Gradually, I fell in love with myself again, not in a narcissistic or self-centered way but in a deeply compassionate and nurturing way. I recognized that I deserved love, not just from others but from myself as well. I became my own cheerleader and my own source of strength.

The transformation was remarkable. I felt a renewed sense of purpose and vitality. The world around me seemed to shine with brighter colors, and each day held the promise of new adventures. I laughed more, loved more, and lived more fully.

Rediscovering self-love didn’t mean I had all the answers or that life was now without challenges. It meant that I had a strong and loving ally within myself to face whatever came my way. It meant that I could weather storms with grace and celebrate sunny days with gratitude.

By falling in love with myself again, I learned that self-love isn’t selfish; it’s essential. It’s the foundation upon which we build our relationships with others and the world. It’s the source of resilience and inner peace.

With love and compassion,
Edwin J. Gasque



Edwin J. Gasque
Age of Empathy

"Two steps forward to every one step back..." -P.W. Making dreams a reality. That is why I have started an account on medium.