Some Things Just Really Suck

Down for the count, if you’re keeping count.

Ira Robinson
Age of Empathy


Painting by Author (Ira Robinson

Some things just suck.

We’re stuck in a life we have little control over, and sometimes it gets too overwhelming for us to see a way out of.

Being born to die really sucks.

Sounds obvious, I know, but when we get to the point we realize we’re staring down the barrel of our own mortality, it puts all the little things we thought were important into some real perspective. Most of the time, when the knowledge finally kicks in that we’ve got little time left, it’s far too late to try to come up with ways to make amends for our failings.

Please take my condolences, and pardon me for lamenting for the briefest of moments.

I think it sucks that I’m blind.

It’s not something I ever expected. Being born with it is cruel enough, but those I’ve talked to who were don’t really lament the lack. They’ve never had real vision, so they’re — mostly — okay with never really understanding what they’re missing.

In many ways, it might even be a blessing to have never had it to begin with. Having it, and then coping with the loss is something else.

And it sucks.



Ira Robinson
Age of Empathy

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at