Stuck at Home With a Pantry Full of Love and Food

Personal reflections about the pandemic and the lockdown during the Christmas holidays

Age of Empathy


Photo by Mark Luis on Unsplash

“Merry Christmas, and don’t eat too much during the holiday’s family meals!” I said joking with a friend at the office before leaving him for the Christmas holiday break.
“That’s all we have left…eat.” He replied.

I felt sad. I love eating, but that sentence cracked my heart.
While going home, I kept thinking about what he said.

All we have left is work and food, and we are lucky to have both.

Around 70,000 people died to date due to Coronavirus in Italy.
I feel blessed to be healthy and safe at home with my parents. The Italian government has decided to adopt stricter rules to prevent the virus’s spread during the holidays and families meeting.

2020, it’s almost over. It’s time for me to take stock of this year and think about 2021.

Since March, my country has been in and out of the quarantine zone.
We closed everything, shut down companies and schools. We thought we were safe in summer, and many of us went on holidays, even abroad, to enjoy fleeting freedom.



Age of Empathy

I write to share my passions and personal experiences. Follow me if you are curious about food, travel, money & human behavior.