The Gift Of Discernment

What it takes to go beyond the obvious and not just find, but understand, the truth of a thing

David Todd McCarty
Age of Empathy


Photo by Marcel Smits on Unsplash

My father used to talk a lot about the gift of discernment. As a child I understood this to mean that one had good taste, which is typically how he glibly meant it, even though he understood the greater meaning within Christianity. We were raised in a conservative, evangelical Christian community that was generally pretty orthodox, but just hippie enough to be enthralled by the mysticism of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The gift of discernment was highly valued, especially in leadership positions within the Church, as it inferred a greater understanding of God’s purpose; even the ability to determine another person’s spiritual gifts. One with the gift of discernment could see what others could not, could look beneath the surface, and determine the truth. Like a modern day, Christian version of a Shaman or Medicine Man. It was itself, considered a form of wisdom.

My father often declared that his children had the gift of discernment, and over time, I have understood this to mean that we didn’t fall too far from the tree that gave us life. It is clear to me, that he felt that he too, possessed the gift. Like a family of fortune tellers, hereditarily blessed with the gift of sight or vision.



David Todd McCarty
Age of Empathy

A cranky romantic searching for hope and humor. I tell stories. Most of them are true. I’m not at all interested in your outrage, but I do feel your pain.