The Kitchen is the Tantalizing Heart of Home

Five things photo essay

Aimée Brown Gramblin
it’s just foam


The Kitchen is the Tantalizing Heart of Home. Five kitchen items photo essay.
Farmers’ Market Posters. Image provided by the author.

It is said that kitchens are the heart of our homes. They evoke the warmth of the oven and stovetop. They illuminate the happier times of being in a family when people gather for food and enjoyment. They’re often where guests wander to for conversation when we’re hosting parties.

When we moved into our home in 2010 we painted the walls a pale blue. The white cabinets and their dainty silver handles stayed, although we’ll replace the hardware someday. Our home was a rental and isn’t updated to the 2020s.

Nonetheless, our kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in our home. I’m inviting you into our kitchen to share a bit about my life and also in hopes of inspiring you to reflect on what meaning your kitchen holds for you.

Is it the heart of your home?

1. Farmers’ Market Posters

About a year after moving to Tulsa, I walked from our apartment to the Cherry Street Farmers’ Market on Brookside. I purchased a tansy plant and strawberries and brought them back to our apartment complex. Promptly, I sneak-planted them in the complex’s lovely landscaping. There was already a sprinkler system installed. In hindsight, this was the easiest gardening I’ve ever managed. Management…



Aimée Brown Gramblin
it’s just foam

Age of Empathy founder. Creativity Fiend. Writer, Editor, Poet: life is art. Nature, Mental Health, Psychology, Art. Audio: