The Power Invested in You by Democracy

Secretly feel like you can’t make a difference, so why even try?

Henry India Holden💖
Age of Empathy


“This is what democracy looks like,” by Henry India Holden. Made with Canva. State Seal: WA Secretary of State, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

You’re not alone. It’s hard to look at the world’s problems. Instead of facing the thought that they are too sever to be solved with what ordinary citizens can do, it’s easier to shake our heads and move on.

Or, like me, you might have a metaphysical understanding that it will all turn out. But it’s not that simple, is it? In the meantime, people and planet are suffering quite a bit. No matter how deep our spiritual beliefs are, this is a hard one.

Astrology and Tarot have seen an upswing in the past ten years.

“Americans spend $2.2 billion annually on “mystical services” (including palmistry, tarot reading, etc.),” wrote Christine Smallwood in the New Yorker in 2019.

Because of the pandemic this need has only grown.

When you have no one to turn to, it’s time for magic. For most people magic is a last resort, so the uptick in metaphysics speaks volumes.

Compared to twenty years ago, many more people experience a mix of feeling powerless, resigned, hopeless, and cynical. 2003 was a turning-point for those of us who wanted to save the world.



Henry India Holden💖
Age of Empathy

Eco-spiritual writings about nature, the human world & love. Soul coach, ecotherapist, Reiki master.