Thoughts of You Saved Me From Freaking Out in the MRI Machine

It has been 2 years and 9 months since we last spoke but who’s counting?

Yana Bostongirl
Age of Empathy


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I wish I could say I haven’t thought about you in a while.

But that would be a lie.

Whoever said out of sight is out of mind following the ending of something beautiful never really loved in my opinion. Or could be they loved so much that the only way of dealing with the hurt is to feign an “I’m so over him/her” attitude.

But just because something is over, can you really stop loving someone or do you simply learn to make friends with the pain?

It isn’t like some light switch that you can flip on and off — at least not for me. Even though it was for you. One day you say my name a hundred times and the next, you walk past me like you never knew me.

No, I’m not wallowing in a past that is long gone. But talking about the fact that you are still freeze-framed in my heart.

Some may call it an unhealthy obsession. But I beg to differ. Don’t people carry memories of a beloved pet or a loved one in their hearts that provides a warm embrace on an especially trying day?

Your memory has become like that for me.



Yana Bostongirl
Age of Empathy

💕I am a Boston-based blogger who writes about love, life & relationships💕| My Substack is Yana's World 🦋 🦋 Come say hi!