Two Friends: An Israeli and an Iranian

Back then, we had no idea our parents’ origins would bring us back together with mutual support and solidarity

Sally Prag
Age of Empathy


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It was the early ‘90s and, ready to take on my final two years of school, I was starting over in a new class and a new year group. Now 16, I felt I’d finally accomplished a sense of confidence in myself that had taken years to reach.

As an all-too-driven and bright young thing, at the age of ten I’d been sent to secondary school a year early. To put this move into perspective, let me explain: after living in ex-pat communities in a number of countries, and attending a total of six different primary schools, most of which were miniscule, I went from a village school of 30 pupils to the nearby secondary of 1500. A big culture shock ensued.

In addition to the size-induced shock, all of my schools up to this point had some diversity. Now I was in a school made up of almost entirely white lower to lower-middle class kids of Anglo-Saxon origin.

There was a handful of Pakistani kids and one black Jamaican boy who stood out because of their colour. That was it. And then, hiding in amongst the white-skinned people were a tiny number of kids with foreign parents. Among those were two Iranian sisters, and two sisters with a Jewish…



Sally Prag
Age of Empathy

Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.