Unlocking the Healing Power of Embracing Human Complexity: A Therapeutic Journey to Growth and Wellness

Subtle Shifts Toward Inner Harmony and Resilience

John Walter đź“ŁTherapy and creativity
Age of Empathy


Image created digitally by the author.

The medical establishment tries to reduce us to simple diagnosable packages. This may work to a degree when applied to medical issues, but it is an absolute disaster when applied to mental health issues.

You are given a mental health diagnosis, and along with it comes a whole load of baggage. You are no longer seen as a unique individual. You have become part of a group, and that whole group of millions of people has a whole raft of prejudices and expectations associated with it. There is a catalogue of therapeutic and medication approaches that are seen as possibly making a bit of a difference.

You become a guinea pig to the medical side of the mental health care establishment.

“I tried this once, and it worked a bit. Let's see if it works for you.”
You are no longer being treated as a unique individual. You are part of an ongoing research project. A therapy is tried with not much hope of success, and if it fails, you are moved on to another one.

The last century has seen many advances in mental health treatments and therapies, but at the same time, thousands…



John Walter đź“ŁTherapy and creativity
Age of Empathy

Counsellor, jazz musician, AI Art nerd, bereaved father. Writing about my experience. Listening to yours. https://johnwaltercounsellor.com/