We’re Drowning In Self-Pity When We Should Be Swimming In Confidence

Life is a downer these days, but we can’t allow negativity to bring us down

Dayon Cotton
Age of Empathy


Photo by nappy from Pexels

“Life’s a bitch. Get the best of her.”

The “poor me” attitude is rampant in today’s modern world — everyone wants to play the victim.

And you know what? Being the victim is actually pretty nice.

Especially with the advent of social media, being a victim is actually pretty awesome.

Got political grievances that you want to air out to the world? Throw up an online post and watch as the sympathizers roll in.

Had a shitty day and need an instant dopamine positivity rush? Just complain about your problems and someone will eventually come rushing in to cheer you up.

Or better yet, got problems and existential struggles so massive that you can’t possibly handle it yourself? Great. Cool. Now you have to ultimate excuse to bitch and moan until your heart’s content.

As much as we hate to admit it, being a victim is the ultimate cushion against responsibility. You’re given a perfectly valid reason to basically sit around, complain, and waste everyone’s time as your problems grow bigger than you.



Dayon Cotton
Age of Empathy

I write dope articles about social issues, life lessons, and living a better life, dayon1020@gmail.com, Follow My Twitter! @dayoncotton00, Active Duty US Navy