What I Found Beneath My Anger

Barbara Carter
Age of Empathy


What you may also find

A woman in a hoodie standing in the lower section of Venetian blind window.
Photo by Oladimeji Odunsi on Unsplash

For half of my life — the early half — I’d not been able to get beyond my anger to the feelings beneath it. To the hurt it covered up. I wasn’t able to feel the true cause of my pain.

In my thirties, I found a therapist to help me deal with my childhood trauma.

What follows is an example of a situation that happened a few years ago, and how it relates to anger and getting beneath it to patterns and beliefs.

It all started when I saw a list for an upcoming author’s event and I was not included on the list.

It was then I recalled an earlier email where the registration form that was supposed to be attached, wasn’t. At that time I’d replied to the sender, pointing out the error.

Life got busy — as so often happens — and I didn’t think about not receiving the application form. Not until that list came out and I was not on it.

That was when I got upset. And yes, angry.

But that’s also when I stopped to wonder what was beneath my anger.

What had triggered such a strong reaction? Such anger I seldom feel anymore. What was really upsetting me?



Barbara Carter
Age of Empathy

Memoir. Life Lessons. Creativity. Art. Healing. Relationships. Books.