When Moments Fly

A poem on self reflection

Denise G
Age of Empathy
1 min readNov 27, 2020


Photo by author

Here I sit
filling time
not knowing why?

I only get a glimpse
whilst creativity flows,
then time is lost
and the moments fly.

when energy stagnates
I ferment in
useless thoughts
nights are so long
and the mood
is restless.

Does this serve
a purpose?
Or is it merely a
stew of torture?

Does this make us
prove our mettle,
so we can master
and not settle
so we eventually
connect the dots?

When days and nights
are not so long
and moments fly.

A Short Bio
An empath with newly discovered passion for writing. I find writing helps me release emotions that I carry, sometimes they are not even my own emotions, an emotional sponge so to speak. Creativity is where I find balance and release. I’m a long time photographer, mostly nature and travel photography and have recently started painting as well. I am in my renaissance, metamorphic stage or mother to crone transition in life.
I have a personal blog which contains some of my writing and photography.

