When My Cousin and I Got Tossed Out of All-You-Can-Eat Crab Leg Night at Red Lobster

And how it helped heal my grieving Aunt Connie

Doug Brown
Age of Empathy
Published in
6 min readMay 3, 2024


Crab with claws extended on the surface of calm water.
Photo by Kai Dahms on Unsplash

Truth be told, Manny and I got tossed out of a number of places over the years. Mostly bars, honky tonks, and jook joints, and it was mostly Manny’s fault.

Once, when I was maybe 30 years old, I was sitting at the bar of a run-down music venue during a mid-week open mic night. The dark, smelly building was in a small town in South Carolina with a small town sensibility and clientele. It was as fun and awful as you imagine.

I was busy flirting with a woman beside me at the bar when Manny came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. Manny was a handsome young man who retained a lot of his loose-limbed charm even though he had put on quite a few pounds. The way his blonde hair fell over his sparkling eyes enabled him to get out of a few tight spots. His sly grin and quick humor helped smooth over a lot of problems.

Not this time.

I looked back at him and saw that he was uncharacteristically tense. All of his body language said that something had gone badly wrong while I was sitting at the bar — minding my own business.

“We have to go,” he said and started heading for the door.



Doug Brown
Age of Empathy

The sacraments of ordinary life. Mountains, dogs, beer, Asheville. Doing my best to eff the ineffable. Oddly funny at times.