When Self-Care Knocks

Acrostic poem — Burnout prompt

Galit Birk, PhD
Age of Empathy


Photo by Zach Betten on Unsplash

Beat up and breathless I feel
Resentful and
Numb, no longer
Overjoyed by my work, but rather
Utterly over it all;
Tapped out.

Recharge I must, refuel my own
Energy reserves
Set aside precious time for me with me
To honor, and love, and care for me first.

Rejuvenated I am for I filled my own cup of
Energy, let it overflow and breathe
New life into me so that I may
Eagerly take on my life again with joy, zest and
Wonder; allowing it to
Ebb and flow as I
Delight in its beauty yet again.

An Acrostic Poem is a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a specific word, as in the above; BURNOUT — REST — RENEWED.

Another Acrostic poem by Galit Birk, PhD:

Thank you Aimée Gramblin for the #burnout prompt.



Galit Birk, PhD
Age of Empathy

Psychology, human potential, therapy, coaching, possibility, vulnerability, authenticity, connection, being known, giving my words wings! Perfectly imperfect.