Why I Was Grateful To Be A Shell of Emptiness

Nothing will shatter if we take time to reflect

Kate Lynch
Age of Empathy


Image by Ricco Stange from Pixabay

“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”

— Rumi

“I am empty.”

A small statement, made mid-March in a comment on my yoga teacher’s Instagram page. She replied, “Fill it up with love!”

That didn’t resonate at all. I knew what she meant, and I knew the pressure on her to write something. It was a way to show her care for me, but my body viscerally rejected the suggestion, and my heels dug in.

Steady ourselves.

I had to steady myself first. I was disoriented. Before I could be grounded in love, I had to be grounded, period. As soon as I could realistically allow time to do so, I chose to feel into the shell of emptiness, the sudden hollowing out that I had experienced.

My sense of safety had been pulled out suddenly, like a tablecloth by a pandemic magician. Of course I wasn’t alone, and I was fully aware that others had it much worse. As an empath, that didn’t necessarily help me feel better.

Allow ourselves to feel lost.



Kate Lynch
Age of Empathy

Mindfulness & yoga for parents of neurodivergent kids. Upcoming book: Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents. Subscribe to connect! healthyhappyyoga.com