Introducing AGEDB (AgensSQL)! The Accumulation of PostgreSQL expertise

A new open-source-powered relational DBMS.

AGEDB is a new open source-powered relational DBMS incorporating the expertise and know-how around PostgreSQL accumulated through years of database R&D. AGEDB provides PostgreSQL extension development and packaging based on global-level PostgreSQL technology, user-oriented technical documentation, code-level analysis, and prompt failure response, and other DBMS data migration support.

These features are compelling not only in technical terms but also in terms of wallet. AGEDB helps reduce expensive upgrade and maintenance costs, technical support services, and vendor-dependent costs compared to existing commercial software. Low TCO, due to the absence of the initial license cost in particular, contributes to a considerable cost reduction for many companies.

*TCO: Total Cost of Ownership. Initial investment cost and maintenance cost when a company introduces the system.

Agens Enterprise Package

AGEDB is delivered as an all-in-one solution in the AGEDB Enterprise package, which includes the stable PostgreSQL engine and user-friendly enterprise services. AGEDB Enterprise package enables efficient data management by guaranteeing the following components at the same time.

2. Stability
AGEDB is developed based on PostgreSQL with maximum SQL features and standard support, support for various programming languages, support for rich data types, powerful extensions, and optimization of bulk data processing. In addition, here are the three security functions added to optimize for the domestic data management environment!

  • Password Profile: Account and Authorization
    Through the user password policy, AGEDB allows for strengthened login security by blocking and disabling the user access when the login policy is violated. When login fails a certain number of times, the account is locked and requires special characters that are unidentifiable by humans.
  • Data Masking
    It provides masking functions by strengthening security for data related to user personal information, resolving privacy issues in preparation for security audits, encryption, or special characters that are unidentifiable by humans.
  • Auditing: Database Audit Function
    Monitoring and collecting the data on database operations, tracking objects accessed by users/ executed DDL, DML, and recording management of logs for all actions are all enabled on AGEDB.

2. Usability: AGEDB Enterprise Manager
Agens Enterprise Manager is an integrated operations management tool that helps corporate clients with efficient data management. It provides DB with standard operation/management, monitoring dashboard, SQL edit/execution/inquiry, HA and extension management, and more.

AEM Monitoring Dashboard Screen

3. Scalability: AGEDB Extension Server
In corporate database management, scalability, in other words, High Availability (HA), is one of the most important factors. AGEDB, through scalability features, lets enterprises operate or service without a system failure.

  • Load Balancers
    The load balancers distribute the data loads concentrated on the activated active server (Main server/Primary Server) by utilizing the secondary server as a read-only server.
Agens’ Load Balancer
  • High Availability(HA)
    In the event of a failure in the primary server, the secondary server quickly converts to the primary server to minimize downtime. Doing so allows businesses to continue operating under unexpected system outages or failures and minimizes lost revenues, lost productivity, and customer dissatisfaction.
    *Down Time: Time when the system is unavailable.
What is Downtime? HA Manager: Availability

4. Compatibility: Migration
AGEDB’s experts support various DBMS data migration and provide methods optimized for open-source DBMS. In addition, AGEDB provides an optimized work environment such as infrastructure creation and configuration, data migration, update, and verification.

So, which open-source DB is suitable for the business environment?
– Is it the Community Version or the Enterprise Version?

What are the advantages of the community version represented by open-source? It most certainly is free support. Then, why pay for the enterprise version?

The absolute reason is the stability in business services guaranteed. AGEDB also has five other strengths alongside.

Various readily-available functions and management tools are developed in-house. Available customization at the Core Level according to the customers’ business environment

Provides significant security enhancement based on the stability of the PostgreSQL engine.

Provides HA (High Availability) function sustaining normal and stable service.

Technical Support
Provides enterprise-level technical support, such as core access, immediate failure response, and maintenance by possessing technological infrastructure such as advanced technological capabilities and expert pools.

Benefits of the Enterprise Package

As you may see above, despite the community package served free, additional costs will inevitably incur as you fill in the gaps in business requirements.

The cost of running community-based infrastructure software on your own far outweighs the cost of commercial subscription software, said the Vice President of IDC, Al Gillen.

As stated above, when introducing open-sourced products, companies should consider the value enterprise packages bring in improving convenience and saving time in the business environment rather than closely only looking at cost reduction through the community version.

To learn more, contact us via our website at

