How to be Heard on Social

Agency / Life
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2017

Have something to say? Social media can put the word out. Obvious, right? But getting in front of the right people isn’t so cut and dry. Today, finding the ideal platform goes beyond deciding between Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the rest. Selecting the best approach can speak louder than words. With so many new ways to engage, here’s how the latest trends in social media can help you deliver your message to the most relevant audiences.

Live in 3, 2, 1…

In the last year or so, live video has lit up our social feeds. What began as a novelty with Periscope quickly evolved into an incredibly viable medium for candid moments, event coverage and even breaking news. Whether it’s Twitter livestreaming NFL games or Lowes unveiling Black Friday deals on Facebook Live, more brands are seeing value in the here and now.

If what you have to say just can’t wait, going live offers that sense of urgency and the chance to engage with fans in real time. Just be sure to iron out the details and account for every variable before the camera rolls. After all, it is live.

Make it immersive

Every day, we scroll through endless streams of consciousness. So, how do you get audiences that are conditioned to keep swiping to stop, look and listen? Tactics like 360 video and VR experiences can do more than just pique the visual interest of users. They can get people to explore and engage with your content. In fact, a recent Google study found 360 video drove 41% more earned actions than standard video.

Now, before you throw everything into producing immersive videos, remember that the operative word here is still, “content.” These tools are great for storytelling, but fall flat with a lack of substance. A 360-degree look inside your corporate headquarters may sound appealing until you realize it’s just a pan around a sea of cubicles. Figure out the most compelling story you want to tell, and then see how an immersive experience can bring it to life.

Snackable and Snap-able

Vine may have died in 2016, but its legacy lives on. From Snapchat to Stories on Instagram, the popularity of micro-videos and snackable content continues to rise as attention spans grow shorter. This dynamic presents both immense potential and some unique challenges. These super-short formats and the social apps they live on offer fresh ways to reach new audiences. However, they also give you much less time to make your point.

How can you grab the user’s attention and still say what you want to say in just 15 seconds? That’s where it pays to take “snackable” literally. By breaking your story up into bite-sized portions, you can build from one morsel to the next and keep your audience constantly wanting more.

The big secret

Between live video, immersive experiences, snackable content and everything else, it all comes down to knowing your audience. If your target demo is over 55 years old, it’s safe to assume they’re not on Snapchat. But, it doesn’t mean every micro-video should be thrown out the door. Understanding where your fans are, how they like to engage and what will resonate is the key to choosing the right social medium for your message.

By David Fried
Originally published at

