Plan Your Video Shoot Like a Photo Shoot

Agency / Life
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017
Photo creds: Michal Grosicki

Think back to your last photo shoot. You probably got five solid photos out of it. Maybe, even ten. Either way, you ended up with some diverse selects — a few specifically focused on product, a couple lifestyle images, one or two for social, and the rest to use for a series of planned display ads. You planned ahead, identified the use cases, and shot to that plan. You did what you were supposed to do.

Why deviate from an effective process?

Now think about your last video shoot. How many videos did you get out of it? One? Two? Three at the most? Or maybe this happened…

You went into the shoot with a plan to get a killer video for a very specific need — a spot for a new product launch perhaps. And the ad performed great. In fact, senior management loved it so much they insisted you use it everywhere.

But in social, nobody watched it because it was too long. It made no sense in your trade show booth without audio. The GIFs all fell flat because there just weren’t any perfect three-second moments to capture. And your web team is losing their minds, forced to put an ad front and center on the homepage.

This all could have been avoided had you planned your video shoot like a photo shoot.

Our Experience

Take the Mirage Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas for example. When the brand came to us, they hadn’t launched a campaign in nearly six years. So if we were going to deliver on our media and content strategies, we would require a lot of custom assets.

Instead of sticking to the status quo — a photo shoot, a video shoot, a handful of assets, and two separate invoices — we decided to get creative. We planned a combined shoot and coordinated two crews working in tandem to make the most of our resources and model talent over a 4-week timeframe. The result was a huge asset library containing 300+ images, hours of footage and well over 100 videos of varying lengths that could be leveraged for creative across all consumer touch points.

After all, if our team is going to be shooting on location for almost a month, we believe the client should get more than just a few videos, the rights for a year, and a hefty bill.

By David Fried
Originally published at

