Photo by Violet Moon-Edited using Canva




Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2023


Am I going to be alone forever?
With no love to share my cold bed
I do not see how, a future, for me
Contains anybody, to love and hold

Longing from afar, cursing myself
For I will never give up trust again
No trust in you, my own judgment
So to protect myself I will be alone

I will push you and all others away
Close my weary eyes, to kindness
Grow thorns and barbs, that prick
Masked as sarcasm and irritability

My fear as self deprecating humour
For I am truly afraid, of loving you
Of letting this shield lower further
I turn down the temperature here

Like an early winter, the frost hides
Deep ruby berries, my heart, loves
The promise of something, hidden
But never given away in haste again

Violet Moon

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