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Roxy’s Round-Up

Poetry recommendations from the woman with no face.

Agency Magazine
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2023


What do you think of when you read the word ‘poetry’?

Maybe you see Shakespeare holding a skull in one hand, reciting sonnets while he wears a snazzy collar, made of coffee filters? Throw those thoughts away!

Poetry is playing the melody of the human experience and words are our instrument. Some of my favorite poets are songwriters, rappers, and Snapple bottle caps.

Poetry is everywhere and poetry is for everyone!

The Agency

I have the privilege of being the Dark Poetry editor for The Ranch Hand Agency publication on Medium. We celebrate the dark parts of life many might turn away from. We have incredibly talented writers and I am thrilled to read your work. Thank you for sharing your pain, growth, lessons learned, and pieces of your heart with us, Agents.

Violet Moon yanks at our heartstrings as she explores the feeling of isolation, self-protection, and longing in EarlyWinter. I identify with Moon’s words and feel reassured knowing I’m not alone in these feelings.



Agency Magazine

Sex, family, poetry, self-reflection, kids, divorce, secrets. I am many pieces that make up a whole. Expect the same with my writings. Twitter: @RoxyWright0