10 Biographies everyone must read at least once!

Andreas Mallia
Agenda Bookshop
Published in
5 min readDec 22, 2017


We often look up to the great men and women of history, either for their astounding achievements, their contributions to the human race or their inspirational experiences. Although they might come from worlds completely alien to our own, we can still empathise with their struggles and shortcomings. Or you might just want to get lost in their own rich, dramatic and colourful lives.

I Am Malala

This autobiography follows the story of a young girl during the Taliban’s rise to power in Pakistan and how she attempted to raise awareness of her country’s plight through a blog on BBC Urdu. It also recounts how the Taliban attacked her on a school bus and shot her, but Malala survives this ordeal. Today, this young, modern-day Gandhi, has become an international figure, symbolising hope, courage, female emancipation and the right to education.

Life: Keith Richards

The life of a rock-star is one filled with excitement, turbulence and drama, none more so than the infamous Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones. If you’re in any way interested in music you will have heard of this legend and chances are that you already want the book, if not, what are waiting for?

What does this button do?

No, this isn’t a book about Dexter and his science lab, but about Bruce Dickinson, the lead singer from Iron Maiden. But this isn’t only about his experiences with the band, did you know that Bruce is also an airline pilot? How about a novelist? Or a brewer? Or even a world-class fencer? Neither did we! Find out more about this rock icon and his diverse life (and through his own words no less) with this brilliant book.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Have you ever heard of The Wolf of Wall Street? Yeah, its that film starring DiCaprio right? Well it’s based on a book about a real stockbroker called Jordan Belfort. We all know how Hollywood likes to embellish its stories and the book is always better than the film, so why not pick this book up instead of watching it again for the third time?

Einstein: His Life and Universe

This Classic, Number One, New York Times bestseller follows the story of how Einstein started out as a young clerk, in a difficult marriage and with the struggles of daily life closing in around him. How he eventually overcame these obstacles and became the grandfather of our modern understanding of time, space and the universe as told by the modern chronicler Walter Isaacson.

Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography

Few people can claim to have the legendary held by Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs. This well researched biography casts new light on Steve Jobs with interviews from Jobs’ family, his colleagues and competitors. Find out how a young man from San Francisco came to dominate the world of modern technology (and whose creation you have in your pocket) in this highly informative biography.

Leonardo Da Vinci

The pinnacle definition of a Renaissance man, Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, inventor, musician and a man of science. This is another masterpiece written by the incredible Walter Isaacson and in it we find out more about the man behind the Mona Lisa and his insightful imagination and innovative contributions to humanity.

When Breath becomes Air

This is a modern, philosophical text about the question of life and the meaning behind it tackled by a doctor and a patient battling stage 4 lung cancer. Paul Kalanithi provides insight into a question that humanity has been dealing with since the dawn of time. This moving memoir shakes the reader to their core as we are forced to confront our own mortality and embrace it.

Long Walk to Freedom

Anyone with even the slightest interest in global politics will have heard of Nelson Mandela. His autobiography recounts his unjust imprisonment and the struggles of his nation. His political ideas and incarceration serve as an inspiration to all those who stand against tyranny.

The Diary of a Young Girl

The culmination of an autobiography, The Diary of Anne Frank is a literary masterpiece as it recounts the suffering endured throughout the Second World War. It is written from the bosom of innocence by one of the many martyrs from that dark stain of human history. The Diary of a Young Girl is not only an autobiography but a reminder of the dangers of political discrimination and extremism and how we have a duty to prevent such atrocities from ever occurring again.

These were the ten biographies that we thought everyone should read! Whether you want to indulge into the glamour of fame or if you want to experience first hand some of the obstacles overcome by the great individuals of history, there’s something for everyone! You can get your hands on these literary treasures from any Agenda store outlets.



Andreas Mallia
Agenda Bookshop

Content Marketing Manager at Growth Gurus (http://www.growthgurus.com/). Sucker for good branding. Kanye West enthusiast.