10 books that make great gifts

Andreas Mallia
Agenda Bookshop
Published in
6 min readNov 20, 2018


Any gift giving occasion, be it Christmas, Mother or Father’s days or even just a birthday, brings with it its fair share of merriment. But you might also be worried about whether you’ve chosen the right kind of gift. A good gift needs to be something that they will use, enjoy and help them. You can never go wrong with a good book, especially when you have such a variety to choose from! We’ve chosen the 10 books below that make great gifts, no matter the occasion!

Beastie Boys Book — Michael Diamond, Adam Horovitz

Anyone who knows something about hip-hop, will have definitely heard of the Beastie Boys. This New York Times bestseller reveals the unique origins behind the teenage punks who would eventually change the face of rap! The book also offers rare photos, a graphic novel, mixtape playlists and even original illustrations by the band penned in their early years! This musical memoir is sure to make a wonderful gift for any music enthusiast!

Fortnum & Mason — Tom Parker Bowles

Fortnum and Mason are a luxury food grocer based in the U.K which have quickly become a national icon. It manages to incorporate the culinary traditions that have kept the appetites of royalty sated while embracing the modern advances in gastronomy. This book is the first, comprehensive, compilation of recipes released by Fortnum and Mason. This cookbook features contemporary and accessible recipes which are sure to make anyone’s mouth water! Alongside its recipes, the book also features expert advice on ingredients which helps any budding chef to make full use of their pantries!

DK Drive: The Definitive History of Motoring — Giles Chapman

If you know anyone who loves getting their hands dirty, rebuilding classic cars or tuning their engine, then they’ll surely gear up for this book! Chapman traces the history behind the most popular form of transportation. Starting off in 1895 the book explains the developments behind the internal combustion engine, advancements in car safety and even the steady approach of driverless cars! It’s hard to deny how much cars have shaped our world, from our entertainment with racing events, fuels and the shift towards greener sources of power and even the way we plan our roads and cities! Any self-respecting petrol-head will be more than happy to sit back and leaf through this book, when they’re not servicing their own car!

Art: The Definitive Visual Guide — Andrew Graham-Dixon

This gorgeous manuscript is filled with over 8,000 pictures of painting, sculpture and art from all across the globe. Featuring some of humanity’s greatest aesthetic achievement, this book is itself a work of art, capable of turning even the most cynical of philistines! Besides its stunning collection of images, the book also explains the techniques behind aesthetic appreciation, such as how to “read” composition, provenance and the various artistic styles that have defined the ages. Anyone who appreciates culture would be more than happy to have this masterpiece line their bookshelf!

DC Comics Year by Year — Matthew K Manning, Alexander C. Irvine, Alan Cowsill, Mike McAvennie, Daniel Wallace

Comic books have slowly made their way from a niche culture into mainstream popularity thanks to blockbuster movies and triple-A games. Anyone who loves superheroes will have heard of DC comics, the company behind the world’s most famous heroes and vigilantes; Superman and Batman. This book covers the debut behind these superheroes, as well as others, the geniuses behind them, as well as the real-life events that inspired them. It covers all the major landmarks for DC comics, not just the comic’s themselves but even how these characters eventually found their way into current popularity!

Journey Through Wine: An Atlas — Adrien Grant Smith Bianchi, Jules Gaubert-Turpin

We all know that person with a taste for wine. Whether they’re connoisseurs or a wine enthusiast, the world of wine is a rich and vast territory, one that constantly merits exploration. How did such a humble fruit like the grape, make its way into the forefront of finer culture? How did vineyards eventually make their way to the furthest corners of the world, and how does each strand affect the different types of wine? This book will help to spice up your usual wine and cheese nights and even help you to appreciate this evening glass of wine just a little bit more!

The Cities Book — Lonely Planet

Everybody travels, and when we’re not travelling, we’re saving up for our next holiday! Maybe booking a flight for your favourite globetrotter might be a bit out of budget, why not help them plan their next holiday, by giving them this book which celebrates 200 of the world’s most exciting cities! Packed with gorgeous photography, travel advice, travel stories as well as anything else you need to know before actually travelling there!

The Art Museum — Phaidon Editors

Art Museum’s offer a deep and fascinating insight into the world of art and how humanity has tried to create beauty. This book features a wide collection of artworks, from pre-history to the contemporary, as well as a vast plethora of knowledge given by oven 28 art world curators and historians. Think of it as one, glorious museum, except in book form! Its pages are lined with artworks, photographs, prints and metalwork, to name a few, making it a fine gift for any art major or aesthete!

The Hobbit Facsimile Gift Edition — J.R.R. Tolkien

Hailed by many as the grandfather of fantasy, J.R.R Tolkien has shaped our modern interpretations of elves, dwarves and magic. If seeing the name Tolkien hasn’t excited you enough already, this gift set also features a replica of the rare, first-edition of “The Hobbit,” as well as an exclusive CD of archive recording of Tolkien reading the Hobbit, a copy of Thror’s map and connected writing by Tolkien which relates the history of the Hobbit. This is the one gift set, to rule them all!

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck — Mark Manson

Mark Manson has a voice that cuts through nonsense like a sharp knife. While not everyone might appreciate his type of language, no-one can deny that what he writes is brutal, honest and witty. This book rejects feigned positivity and encourages us to lead content and grounded lives by facing the struggles of the world head-on. If you know anyone who would chortle or nod their heads at the sound of this title, then do them a favour, and get them a copy!

Those are the ten books that should make gift giving a little bit easier! These books feature something for everyone, be they a surly teenager, a loving mother or father, a fun sibling, close friend or open-minded colleague. A book is always an enjoyable gift which offers something for everyone. Head down to Agenda Bookshop and pick up the right gift for your loved ones and you’ll be watching their eyes widen with joy as they rip off the gift wrapping and reading the title!



Andreas Mallia
Agenda Bookshop

Content Marketing Manager at Growth Gurus (http://www.growthgurus.com/). Sucker for good branding. Kanye West enthusiast.