Top 8 most awaited books of 2019

Dorottya Huszti
Agenda Bookshop
Published in
6 min readDec 14, 2018


The year is coming to an end and gift-giving season is approaching at full speed — all bibliophiles rejoice and make space on your bookshelves! Channel all that giddy excitement into refining your wishlist.

Read through this blog of the freshest titles to pick your must-haves that will get you through the cold and snuggly winter nights in.

Manual for Survival (A Chernobyl Guide to the Future) — Kate Brown

Kate Brown, an award-winning historian, author and university professor, recounts the devastating aftereffects of the worst nuclear disaster in history that occurred in Chernobyl decades ago. Brown sought to contradict the official reports from scientists and international diplomats, which attempted to downplay the grim and frightening reality following massive radiation release. Brown, after a decade of archival and field research, exposes the silenced increases in birth defect cases, life-altering diseases and child mortality, whilst also introducing us to the people who fight to this day to bring attention to the catastrophic post-nuclear landscape that still persists today.

The Demon in the Machine — Paul Davies

World-renowned physicist, Paul Davies takes a wide, interdisciplinary approach to discuss the deep and perplexing question that has stumped humankind, whilst also motivating scientific inquiry: what is life? Davies argues that in order to find the answers we desperately want, we must first address the question: what is information? The author explores the obscure origins and nature of life by drawing comparisons between biology and circuits and electronics, claiming all biological processes to be reliant on quantum mechanics. Davies assesses whether quantum physics could perhaps be the key to all life on Earth. In this accessible and communicative new analysis of merging, yet diverse, domains, the author reveals how biological organisms acquire and process information to construct order in a seemingly chaotic context. A must-have for curious, scientific minds.

I Owe You One — Sophie Kinsella

This novel is a relatable and touching telling of an endearing character whose life and needs have always been put on hold for those of others. Kinsella, a number one best-selling author, will undoubtedly touch the hearts of readers everywhere once again as she introduces us to Fixie and Seb, two complete strangers, who unexpectedly meet and find themselves doing and repaying favours to each other in an endless back-and-forth. The favours range from small to life-changing and Fixie is faced with a choice to continue ignoring what she wants out of life, putting everyone else first, or going after what she wants. This novel is about self-discovery, reflexivity and finding the courage to be good to yourself, a charming read to add to your Kinsella collection.

The Handmaid’s Tale — Margaret Atwood

This provocative modern classic has been the topic of heated discussion since its original publication in 1985, shocking the world with its dystopian, yet relevant, oppressive society. With the release of the highly successful series by the same name, this eerily prophetic novel has enjoyed a revival and, now, Atwood fans are excitedly awaiting the graphic novel edition with dramatic artwork by Renée Nault, that is predicted to become a classic in its own right. The terrifying and vividly portrayed lives of the citizens of Gilead have led many to delve deep and analyse the rich symbolism and calculated dialogue. Diving into this unsettling universe means becoming emotionally attached to the characters, especially the main protagonist and feeling her suffering, her pride and her resilient, unyielding desire for freedom.

The House Across The Street- Lesley Pearse

Twenty-three-year-old Katy Speed has always been fascinated by the house across the street.
The woman who lives there, Gloria, is the most glamorous neighbour on the avenue, owning a fashionable dress shop in Bexhill-on-Sea. But who is the woman who arrives in the black car most Saturdays while Gloria is at work? Does Gloria have sinister reasons for secretly bringing strangers into the heart of the community? Then one night, the house burns down. In the wreckage, the bodies of Gloria and her daughter are found. Katy is sure the unexplained strangers must be responsible until her father is arrested and charged with murder…
The House across the Street is a compelling, page-turning insight into the secrets of domestic life in a suburban avenue in 1960, from one of the world’s favourite storytellers.

The Doll Factory — Elizabeth Macneal

This tale, set in London in the 1850s, is about love, obsession and art. It narrates the story of an aspiring young artist and a collector whose darkness may just destroy her world forever. A crowd is drawn to Hyde Park as The Great Exhibition is being erected, and this is where the two meet. For Iris, the young artist, the encounter was a fleeting moment not more special than any other, but for the collector of the strange and beautiful, this will be the moment that hooks him and the obsession begins to evolve. An intoxicating story and a must-read in 2019!

A Different Kind Of Evil — Andrew Wilson

Agatha Christie, a favourite character of many avid crime-mystery readers, is en route to the stunning Canary Islands at the request of the British Secret Intelligence Service to investigate the murder of one of their agents. Upon arrival, the diverse group of characters she meets seem to warrant her suspicion and Christie is convinced the evil lurking among them is among the more sinister she has ever encountered. This intriguing mystery will have readers on the edge of their seats — definitely an Agatha Christie favourite!

Hunting Evil — Chris Carter

When an author with a background in Criminal Psychology writes a crime series, you buy it, read it and try not to bite off every single nail you have left. Two incredibly bright minds meet for the first time in college as roommates, then again as adversaries — one prolific serial killer and one head of LAPD’s Ultra-Violent Crimes Unit. With dangerous Lucien managing to break free after years in solitary confinement, his thirst for vengeance is all-consuming and the one who locked him up must suffer.

Visit any Agenda Bookshop outlet to grab a copy of any of these page-turners, and if you are too excited to wait, pre-order your copy today! Make 2019 a year of literary stimulation with any of the most-awaited novels in this list!

