Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever

Brian Gardner
Agent Engine
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2020
Profesional Football Field

Let’s face it: 2020 has been a miserable year.

It started with the shocking death of Kobe Bryant in January, followed by the Coronavirus, which shut down the entire world by March. Yet here we are, heading into December, still fighting the pandemic.

But thankfully, there is hope. With the recent announcements of vaccines, we are collectively awaiting approval from the FDA, which should help us win the battle we all want to end.

With a weakened economy and the loss of millions of jobs, the real estate industry has shown resilience and is one of the biggest surprises of 2020.

Home prices have been climbing steadily over the past few months, and interest rates are historically low. Before quarantine, according to Visual Capitalist, just 15% of Americans worked from home. Now, over half do.

There are several factors at play, but one thing is sure: 2021 will be quite the year of opportunity for savvy entrepreneurs and those willing to leverage the power of technology and social media.

The Future is Now

It’s no secret that we believe the future of real estate is digital. That’s why we are developing a tool that will help real estate agents and teams showcase their brands, capture leads, and make it easy for people to do business with you.

As the year comes to an end, now is the perfect time to start marketing plans and develop strategies that will help you to hit the ground running as the calendar turns.

What will 2021 look like for you and your business? Have you positioned yourself well for success? How will you differentiate yourself amidst the competition?

These are questions you should be asking yourself and ones that other agents in your local area might have already been thinking about for months. It’s time to get going because the future — your future — is now.

Establishing a Game Plan

When it comes to your business, the most significant advantage you have is that it’s yours. You are the owner, the manager, and the head coach. You are the one who calls the shots.

Bill Belichick is a football coach in the National Football League and has been the head coach for the New England Patriots since 2000. During this period, the Patriots compiled a 242–89–0 record, and he holds numerous coaching records — including winning a record six Super Bowls.

You might think that Bill has orchestrated a complicated game plan to complete at the highest level, but you’d be wrong. His mantra is quite simple: “Do your job.”

Bill insists that each of his players and coaches focus on performing their assigned jobs and believes it’s through flawless execution of the game plan that teams win. With six rings on his fingers, it’s hard to disagree.

Which begs the question, “What will your game plan be?”

. . .

When we set out to build Agent Engine, we conducted several interviews with agents. We wanted to dig deep and understand precisely where (and how best) we could serve the real estate industry.

While there was a multitude of responses, we learned that there were three common groups agents fell in with their goals for 2021:

  • I am starting my real estate career.
  • I want to sell more homes.
  • I need to scale back my busy schedule.

In any of these cases, a solid game plan is necessary. It will help provide the focus required in an industry that is high-paced and full of competition.

We are thrilled to announce that our tool and service will be available after the first of the year, and we are already working with agents and teams behind-the-scenes to get it ready.

If you are interested in setting up a live demo with me, contact us, and we can schedule a call. I might be biased, but I truly think you will love what we are building. (And it will secure the lowest pricing we will offer.)

Here’s to making 2021 your best year ever.

