Cuckold / oral / fingering

Agent of Redemption E 6

A Mouthful of Moist Muff’n

AM Jane
Agent of Redemption
7 min readNov 8, 2021


Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

April fixed her dress and reapplied her nude lipstick.

Staring at her own brown eyes in the mirror, savouring the traces of him on her tongue, she spoke to herself. ‘No. No fucking way was that him.’ It had been over ten years since they’d seen each other. They had inhabited a different world back then. A world she chose to leave, and surprisingly had been permitted to. But could that be him? Was she seeing things? Did she just want it to be him? Years before, when they had just gone their separate ways, her mind had played tricks on her. She’d felt she had seen him everywhere. A glance in a supermarket and at an airport, on nights out and once in a bar in Holland of all places. Each time it was a ghost, nothing more than an emotional hallucination.

But his hair? And the way those hands touched her? Even his taste.

As she headed along the corridor back towards the bar she bumped into Iona.

“I think Alex just fucked me.” She said.

“Jesus you’re loosing it big style. Last I saw you, you were wanking some guy off at the bar. Now you think that was this Alex guy?”

“No! Fuck no, it was in the bathroom, he followed me in. Honestly I’m not sure…



AM Jane
Agent of Redemption

Writer of increasingly hot and varied erotica. Always open to requests. Also publishing on Kindle Find me on Twitter @AMJanebooks