Agent of Redemption Ep 18, Getting to know Penny and Stan (low erotica)

A very short intro to a pair we watched earlier.

AM Jane
Agent of Redemption


Michael Discenza at Unsplash


“Listen.” Said April. “We’re new to this. It’s our first one. We’re not sure how it works with speaking to others and everything. You know, like what you can discuss.”

“Oh what are we all like? All nervous.” Said the lady, who April knew as Penny.

“Right ice breaker time. I’m Penny, this is Stan. It’s our first time at a thing like this and we’re not too sure either.”

She took a deep breath, as though preparing for a speech or the announcement of a revelation.

“It all started when we ended up on a nudist beach, in France, last year, by accident.” She took another breath, not as deep as the first. “Stan said ‘lets go for it.’ And before we knew it, we were lying there, naked, with loads of other naked folk all around us. Well, that day sparked our sex life right up. After that we thought, why not, let’s do something crazy. One thing led to another, and here we are.”

“My god!” Said Stan. “What are you like woman? No secrets here.”

April laughed remembering the secret from her spy hole.



AM Jane
Agent of Redemption

Writer of increasingly hot and varied erotica. Always open to requests. Also publishing on Kindle Find me on Twitter @AMJanebooks