Ten Usability Heuristics: Set of UX Posters by Agente

Svetlana Yurkevich
Agente Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2019

Hi readers! Today we would love to take a moment and announce our new work: a set of office posters on 10 Usability Heuristics.

Back in 1994, Jakob Nielsen wrote an article for Nielsen Norman Group called “10 Usability Heuristics” which outlined some general principles for interface design. Fast forward 25 years, they still hold up as a checklist for any interface.

These principles help UX and UI designers to create the interfaces of digital products; they are also used in the UX audit process as ultimate checkpoints for a heuristic analysis.

While creating any interface, it’s critical to have these heuristics not only in your mind but also before your eyes. That’s why we decided to create a set of UX posters for office, as a tribute to Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics. Check whether you use every opportunity to build great products.

“We created these posters because we would love to see more beautiful and user-friendly sites. Those simple and illustrative schemas with usability heuristics will remind any product team of how to create effective and efficient digital products”, — Andrew Terekhin, Managing Director, Agente.

We used simple and understandable patterns so that you can look at the posters and find heuristics reminders immediately.

How can you use our posters?

Source: UX Posters by Agente

Practical usage: Each poster has a description of a heuristics and illustration that adds to the meaning. Posters can help anyone who creates interfaces for themselves or for clients: designers, marketers, product managers, or business owners.

Professional attribute: As designers, we are proud of what we do and want to tell everyone that we do it great! These posters in your office will serve as a reminder of your good taste and adherence to the best practices of interface design.

Interior solution for your office: Not only are these posters useful but also beautiful. They will match your workplace or office, or can become a nice present for your managers, clients or colleagues.

And finally!! Here they are: https://uxposters.agentestudio.com/

Click the link to download 10 posters of usability heuristics in the A1 format.

We hope you find these as inspiring as we have. Download our UX posters and let us know what you think about them!

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Originally published at https://agentestudio.com on December 11, 2019.

