FAQ - Agent Not Needed

Agent Not Needed
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2018

How do you plan on cutting down costs? and how much are the fee’s on your platform? We charge a £500 fee only if we successfully sell your property. If we don’t, you don’t pay. Simple.

How do you plan on reducing the time in which it takes to purchase a house? We will streamline the whole property transaction process using software. Currently we are focusing on removing estate agents from the process by providing individuals with the tools to create listings and then communicate, arrange viewings and negotiate offers directly with each other. Once a sale has been agreed, our platform passes on the agreed sale to our legal partner to complete the transaction.

What makes you different to your competitors? Whilst estate agents either charge a fixed upfront fee or a percentage commission on sale, we are firstly not an estate agent, and we only charge a fixed £500 fee if your property successfully sells. Also, whilst estate agents mainly just list your property on popular property portals, we actually carry out marketing for your listing to drive potential property buyers to it. Many popular property portals will run marketing ads for their platform to drive overall traffic to it, but we run marketing ads on your specific property listing via social media. We also provide you with the tools to communicate, arrange viewings and make offers directly online which you can do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What type of listings will be on your platform? Currently we accept the following property listings: houses, flats/apartments, land, commercial property, bungalows and holiday homes.

Will you be expanding to other countries or will this be solely a UK based website? Currently our platform is available to the uk but we are working with partners in each country to release our property platform globally.

Would a seller need to use your solicitors/legal team for agreed sales or can they use their own? Sellers are required to use our conveyancer. We have partnered with a conveyor that can meet our company requirement which is to get the sale completed without hassle and quickly.
We don’t want anyone to have a bad experience or stressful experience as our aim is to streamline the whole process and revolutionise the property transaction process. By using our conveyor we have ensured they have a similar approach and will provide a high standard service as property sellers deserve.

What should I do if a seller or buyers asks to agree a deal away from Agent Not Needed ? By dealing through Agent Not Needed, you can be sure both buyers and sellers have been verified as buyers can only make offers once they prove they have the funds available and sellers can only list properties if they have verified proof of ownership. By dealing away from Agent Not Needed you may be subject to property/mortgage fraud amongst other unforeseen issues. We highly recommend transacting directly through the Agent Not Needed platform.

Does Agent Not Needed protect buyers from gazumping? Yes. Once a seller agrees an offer, the deal is locked in. This will prevent the seller from receiving any more offers for that property and prevent them from accepting alternative offers after yours has been agreed.

Can I sell my property with Agent Not Needed if I already have a deal with an estate agent? Yes you can as long as the agreement you have with your estate agent isn’t that they have the exclusive rights to sell your property.

What do I do if i don’t have my of photos or need extra items such as an EPC rating? We are partnered with a national service provider who can provide these. When listing your property on our platform, you can select the option to purchase these additional features directly through our platform. Prices are fixed and clearly displayed.

Can I use photos I already have? Yes as long as they are of high quality. Poor quality photos will not be accepted as it may prevent your property from selling. If you require photographs you can purchase the service directly through our platform when listing your property for sale.

