Project Update — 1st May 2018

Anthony Pentland
Agent Not Needed
Published in
5 min readMay 1, 2018

Today, we released a project update video for our community, In the video I covered our progress so far, business strategy going forward, some product releases, affiliate deals, token sale results and more.

Watch the video below:

Here’s a quick guideline of everything covered in the video (and a little more).

0:22 — Token Sale Results

During our token sale, we raised £500,000 for our project. Though our hardcap was set at £10M, the money we raised is more than enough for us to grow our business and brand on a national scale and begin work on our international expansion. As you may know, our platform is already released, fully working with live properties. This was achieved before we launched our token sale, so the money we raised is mainly for advertising/marketing our business and property listings, paying costs as a business and hiring a few additional members to our team to assist with development and design.

We created a total of 450M ANN tokens, which are pre-mined and hard capped. This means no more can or will ever exist. Of the 450M ANN tokens, 150M ANN tokens will be in public circulation which also includes the 29M allocated for partnership deals and affiliate programmes. This leaves 300M ANN tokens. 200M of these will be sent to our Internal Core Reserve (ICR) and the remaining 100M ANN tokens will be sent to a smart contract that will be locked for 9 months to later be sold to fund our international expansion. These tokens wont all be released at once but instead 10M will be released each month for us to sell.

What is the Time Locked Smart Contract Account (TLSC) ?

The TLSC is a smart contract account that accumulates ANN tokens that are spent on our property platform. The smart contract is locked and can only receive tokens not send them/ Once it accumulates 90% of the total ANN token supply then it will allow tokens to be sent from it.

4:28 — Business Strategy

Our main goal is to list as many properties on our platform as quickly as possible and build demand for our property platform. We will focus on marketing our platform and listed properties to drive both buyers and sellers to it which will build demand for ANN tokens as they are required to pay for services and features on our platform. We also plan to use influencers & an affiliate programme to grow quicker.

We have made progress and conducted talks with individuals who can help us expand internationally and we have partners & potential partners in Canada, America, Australia, Spain, Portugal & Latin America. We will release more information on the topic of expansion in later update videos.

6:33 — Progress so far

We have made a lot of progress so far. Many token sales end and is followed by silence from project teams. But the Agent Not Needed team have delivered not only a platform before launching our token sale but also version 1.1 of our property platform has been released and has actual live properties and individuals using our platform!

When I produced the update video we had listed 13 houses to date but we now have an additional 12 houses listed just 5 days later bringing our total house listings to 26!

And that’s not all! We have had 2 houses go under offer to date and are currently with a conveyance company who are completing the transaction. We achieved all this in the first 30 days of our token sale ending, along with finalizing affiliate deals with major brands such as: RAC Home Insurance, Compare the Market, Tweak Slumber, Your Repair Homeplan, Plusnet Broadband, Mattress Next Day, and Homelia.

We also have a partnership deal with a major pan-european brand which we will be announcing in a later update as we aren’t allowed to mention the brand or deal until their company have released the news themselves. But I can say that this is a known major brand that provides multiple services that we all use within our home.

Agent Not Needed ahead of schedule!

According to our roadmap, we planned to release our rental service by Q3 of 2018. But, we are ahead of schedule, so we will be releasing it sooner than expected. Whilst the first version will not include the full rental management solution, we will still be providing landlords and tenants with the tools to communicate, arrange viewings and agree tenancy terms. This will mean more property listings on our platform and will promote a whole new stream of individuals who are landlords and potential tenants. I will be announcing an actual release date in my next update video this Friday 4th May 2018.


Our advertising spaces are set to be released for businesses to advertise on our platform which will generate revenue for our company and build demand for ANN tokens. Currently we are getting approximately 5000 page views per month and we will be selling ad space at £10 per 1000 impressions.

If you are interested in advertising with Agent Not Needed, please contact us through our Facebook messenger or directly message me (Petros) on Telegram:

9:07 — Exchanges & Internal Marketplace

The long awaited Internal Marketplace is almost complete. 100% of our transaction tests on our test network were successful. Right now our dev team are double, triple and quadruple checking the code behind it and though I don’t like to commit to a release date unless I am in charge of it’s release, I have been told it could be completed within a matter of days, so we are possibly looking at a release next week, though I will keep you all updated. I will be releasing a separate update video which will explain how the Internal Marketplace will work fully, including each feature which I didn’t cover as in depth in this update video. I will also cover fees/charges, how pricing is calculated, etc. It’s going to be exciting, trust me ;)

14:44 — Voom (Virgin Competition: Richard Branson)

The final announcement of this update, is that we have entered the Voom competition run by Richard Bransons company Virgin. If we win, we will get to pitch to Richard Branson directly and get some mentoring/advise along with a lot of much needed exposure. Also a share of £1M in prizes though mainly for us we are in it for the exposure. How do we win? Well we need votes! So vote for us to win, share it around to your networks, ask friends and family to vote for us too! Community effort! Let’s show what our strong ANN community can do!

Go here and click the ‘Vote’ Button! —

