What is Agent Not Needed?

Agent Not Needed
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2018

Ever imagined a world where you wouldn’t need to spend your hard earned cash paying for someone to sell/rent out your house? Where you don’t have to spend long periods of time waiting for estate agents to book viewings… Where you no longer have high stress levels having to go back and forth on the phone with your estate agent…?

Well ‘Agent Not Needed’ are trying to make this happen with their peer to peer property platform, where buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords can communicate directly online without the need of an estate agent.

They can arrange viewings, place offers and buy/sell easily.
Sounds great right? But I bet you’re thinking.. well what’s the catch?
There’s no catch at all, Agent Not Needed will only take a fee if the property listed sells!

There are so many problems within the real estate industry, from timing, costs, poor communication, and so many more! But Agent Not Needed plan on fixing all of this with their platform.

Here are a few ways they plan on making a change :-
Cost — Agent Not Needed only charge a fee once a house is sold, this is a fixed fee of £500 for every property. Because there are no estate agents there are no upfront fees or hidden fees.

Communication — With buyers/sellers using the platform to contact each other, communication is down to them solely, therefore there is no middle man.

Time — With estate agents and eventually solicitors and conveyors removed from the process, it could mean property deals can complete in days as opposed to months.

These are just a few of the many ways Agent Not Needed will improve the property Market.

Draft version of version 1.1 Agent Not Needed.

Agent Not Needed are currently undergoing a token sale, where you as a member of the public or investor, can purchase tokens to sell on the internal marketplace, an exchange or to keep yourself to use on the site.

Currently, ANN is listed on IDEX exchange, but is in negotiations with many others including Huobi’s Hadax exchange.

ANN tokens can be used for paying listing fees, purchasing additional features, advertising a business on the platform or purchasing leads through the lead auction system.

The price per token during the token sale which ends on the 31st March 2018 is £0.025 ($0.035) per ANN.

You can buy ANN tokens here :- https://tokensale.agentnotneeded.com

As well as already having a version of the platform out (see here :- https://www.agentnotneeded.com) and also already being listed on IDEX exchange, Agent Not Needed have already got a celebrity endorsing them. Doug Kramer is a professional Filipino basketball player, he has been endorsing ANN for a few weeks now and has posted about ANN numerous times on his Instagram. ( https://www.instagram.com/p/BgvqtnZlOER)
Agent Not Needed have achieved so much in such a little time frame, who knows whats going to happen in the future! But I can say this, Watch this space!

To follow ANN and keep updated please follow these platforms :-
Twitter - www.twitter.com/agentnotneeded
Facebook - www.facebook.com/agentnotneeded
LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/company/18049967
Telegram - https://t.me/agentnotneededofficial
Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/Agentnotneeded
BitcoinTalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3106993

