AgentConf19: Envisioning the future of frontend

Guntram Bechtold
Published in
5 min readNov 18, 2018

We’re excited to announce some of worlds leading engineers for AgentConf 2019. It’s a big honor for Thomas Vogel, Daniel Rotter, Phuc Le, Oliver Pretz and me to organize an event that is created to inspire engineers to build better open source software. It is our Mission to foster a world where more time, resources and creativity are invested into building advanced open source software that can potentially be useful for every human on earth.

The importance of open source software is often underestimated. Javascript, worlds most written language is the primary topic we focus on at AgentConf.
While there are many topics we adress at AgentConf, we think that it is well worth to put special focus on ReactJS, Javascript in general, the V8 Engine that powers Chrome and Node and fun topics like sports and bio hacking. We’re excite to several engineers that work on some of worlds most impactful projects we see today. We invest all our energy and ideas into events where we our selfs and everyone attending receives inspiration that challenges the personal status quo. And see established and new projects grow. We are excited to welcome the following speakers:

Mathias Bynens likes to give helpful JavaScript performance advice

Mathias Bynens

It is quite likely have already run into Mathias Bynens. At least digitally. If you follow major projects like Google Chrome, Google V8, lodash, bootstrap and google cloud it is quite likely that you’ve read some of Mathias code or explainations. The last time I personally read something from Mathias Bynens was when I found out about one of his 488 posts on Stack overflow. He also spoke at conferences smashing conf, awwwards conf and writes for the opera dev blog. For the 2019 version of AgentConf Mathias an Benedikt Meurer speak about JavaScript engine fundamentals: the good, the bad and the ugly

Svanlaug Ingólfsdóttir is sure that letting go of our fear of negative feedback provides us with the freedom to experiment with new approaches

Svanlaug Ingólfsdóttir

Svanlaug Ingólfsdóttir studied university Berlin in the department of software engineering and theoretical computer science. She specialized in user experience aspects especially in the context of mobile apps at Soundcloud and is now working as a product manager at life nation in the UK. Her prototyping and efforts were dedicated to the creation of new strategies for users and engineers that wanted to gain insights into complex matters of user experience and state of the art interface design by building hi-fidelity prototypes that using modern design patterns based on react native, Jenkins, fast lane and hockey app. At AgentConf one she gave a talk about her prototyping efforts at Soundcloud. Svanlaug was part of design team and facilitated insights-driven product decisions through making prototypes for exploratory and evaluative studies. At AgentConf she is speaking about Biohacking with wearable sensors and JS.

Nik wants to make sure you read complete docs on React Hooks from beginning to end

Nik Graf

Nick Graf is edicated to develop latest tooling for JavaScript, rust, serverless and webassembly. He is living in Vienna, founded some of the most impactful meetups in Austrias capitol and since he participant in several of our conferences we are proud to welcome him again at AgentConf 2019. Recently Nick developed several video courses for egghead, was speaker and contributor to conferences like ReasonConf GraphQL and GraphQL Finland. If want to learn about finish drinking habits, Nik is definitely your man: He documented his trip to the north on instagram. Nick is dedicated to run triathlons doing skiing building webVR apps and recently published did the draft JS plug-ins. Nik did not yet tell what his exact topic would be, but the attendants of Niks Workshop at WorkerConf were inspired by his insights into Serverless. We’ll stay curious.

Javi likes to see minds that blow up

Javi Velasco

Javi is self claimed gardener at zeit and maintainer of react toolbox recently kicked out several components like the pickers the react tunnels component and react-css-themr. Last year his contribution to skiing was just awesome not to mention his outstanding talk. I am really looking forward to his 2019’s input for AgentConf about modeling errors in the CLI. Fun fact: last year at the speaker dinner he was very very nervous about his first project launch for

Helps you with every thing that makes this world reach higher peak performance.

Benedikt Meurer

Benedikt is a leading performance engineer in the Google V8 team. He studied software engineering in Siegen is building compilers like few others. I’ve got the feeling that Benedikt is a guy that wants to distance himself from average work: he is into optimizing systems into peak performance, tweaking teams and collaboration into new heights by sharing by organizing WorkerConf, a conference that connects the most active people contributing to the Node.js universe. And hiking for two days. His every day work is focused on performance work for the V8 engine, the compiler that driving both Google Chrome and Node.js and therefore is relevant to both frontend and backend developers. At AgentConf he will be speaking about JavaScript engine fundamentals: the good, the bad and the ugly.

Patrick is magical. In many ways.

Patrick Stapfer

During his early years Patrick worked as magician besides engineering and even joined the renowned magic circle Die Magische Zehn. Even to this days he is able to amaze his audience with unique technical insights, magic moments and crazy ideas. Patrick is a software craftsman, currently representing the 1st board member of the Reason Association. Besides that, he is also co-organizer of ReactVienna, ReasonML Vienna and ReasonML Munich.

His biggest co-organizing achievement ReasonConf allowed him and his fellows Nik Graf, Andrey Okonetchnikov to bring the world’s most reasonable engineers to Vienna to establish a yearly community gathering practise. Patrick already spoke at AgentConf in the previous years and is one of Austria’s most active contributors to the open source space. Patrick will take the role of MC of AgentConf 2019 in Dornbirn.

Join AgentConf for 2 days of talks + 2 days of skiing

AgentConf is inspiring. It is a conference dedicated to word class Software Engineering, focusing on JavaScript, ReactJS, ReactNative, Node and web technologies. The event connects industry experts from around the globe to discuss about the future of front end. Engineers from Google, Facebook and Zeit who use these technologies, and whose teams build projects with them. Speaker sessions are on 21th/22th of February 2019 in Dornbirn, while skiing and networking take place in Lech on 23th/23th January, 2019. Find the full schedule on and connect with AGENT on and discuss with us on twitter at @AgentConf.

To get a feeling for the event, check out this Video here

