CEO to Politics: stop wasting time, money and energy on populistic topics

Guntram Bechtold
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2016

Interview with Rainer from MassiveArt about the state of the Software Industry in the Bodensee Region.

You’ve bought a whole set of tickets at a single shot.
Why did you do that?
It is a perfect combination for us because on on side it is extremely important to us to support local initiatives like this as best as we can and on the other we try to send our staff to congresses and events on a regularly basis.

Netscape — we miss you

Okay, please give our readers a bit more insight into your company.
MASSIVE ART was founded in 1997, right when Netscape 4 came out. All our founders were students of InterMedia at the University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn which was one of the first multimedia design studying programs in Europe. Since then we managed to scale the company to 45 employees which makes us one of the largest full service internet agency in western Austria.

How would you describe your company and what is so unique about it?
We are interdisciplinary by heart and have a very strong focus on strategy, design and technology. Our core strength is the ability to realise even the biggest projects completely with in-house staff. Although we have 20 years of experience and delivered over 1000 projects we still try to re-invent ourselves as much and as often as possible.

Since there are several software companies out there, what do you think is the key to success in this industry?
You have to believe in what you do and solve a real problem. Don’t listen too much what others say or would do, make your own rules. Real success comes from the urge to deliver the maximum performance from your own point of view.

What is your vision when working with technical staff?
Developers are as much artists as e.g. designer. But they live in a world that is very confusing and hard to understand for non-technical people. That’s why we try to act as a translator between those 2 worlds. We try to make technology more simple for our clients and to provide a perfect working environment for our devs.

We’re in the west of Austria. What should politics do for your company?
Politics should stop wasting time, money and energy on populistic topics and start helping to create a society that has a real future for everyone.

How can we ensure growth for this region?
Only by educating our people the best possible way. We need a much better educational system and a philosophy of “you can reach whatever you want” for our kids. Also the economical system must be changed by lowering taxes and with easier access to fundings.

Its about passion

What is the biggest no-go in your company?
If your teams have no trust in you there is no place in our company.

How is success in this job measured in your company?
Certainly not by counting your working hours. It’s the constant passion to become better in what you do everyday.

What do you enjoy most about working here?
We live in one the most beautiful areas in the world and it’s super international. Within 2 hours by car you can reach numerous countries and cultures. And the people who live here like to work hard and achieve something. That creates a really great basis for businesses.

Politics should stop wasting time, money and energy on populistic topics

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