Software Teams use agile, git and ci

Guntram Bechtold
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2017

Atlassian conducted a survey of 1,300 customers a couple of months ago: 53% were in the software products business, followed by professional services (11%), media, entertainment and leisure (7%), financial services (6%) and healthcare (5%).

Use of agile, Git and continuous delivery

  • 80% of all software organisations practice agile development.
  • 85% of software organisations use a distributed version control system such as Git.
  • 65% of them practice continuous delivery.
  • 49% of respondents said that they practiced all three.
  • 50% of agile teams reported using a combination of agile and non-agile techniques.
  • 41% said that they had no plans to adopt agile practices.

Increasingly distributed and automated development

  • 72% of respondents said that some of their team works remotely.
  • 17% said that more than 50% of their team works remotely.
  • 28% said all the team worked in the same office.
  • 82% said that their source code management is integrated with a build system, issue tracker or both. JIRA Software and Bitbucket, for example.
  • Interestingly, 80% of respondents said the average dev team in their organisation consisted of 10 or fewer people.
  • Development teams larger than 1,000 people accounted for 5% of responses.

Containers are the hottest topic in software development

  • 56% of the customers surveyed use virtualisation and/or containerisation to spin up test, staging or production environments.

Source: Agile Teams survey by Atliassian

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