The unsatisfiable thirst for new challenges

Guntram Bechtold
Published in
1 min readOct 22, 2019

Interview with Rainer Schönherr, Co-Founder and CEO of MassiveArt.

You are working in software development for several years. What is the primary change you are seeing in this business, compared to 5 years ago? What’s coming next?

Web application development evolved and has been professionalized in every aspect. It’s not about scripting anymore and it needs to be taken seriously. The main force behind innovation nowadays is driven by web technology and more and more web applications are replacing classic desktop solutions. I think the rise of JavaScript as a platform was fundamentally for this progress. From the business point of view many industries are transitioning right now and struggle with the new possibilities. It’s still a long journey and the awareness for the radical change and complexity of new business models needs to emerge.

Bernd Hepberger and Rainer Schönherr, Co-Founders of MassiveArt

Getting into software industry can be challenging. What should I consider as a student who wants to enter this segment in the near future? What is the most important skill?

Passion, drive, motivation and an unsatisfiable thirst for new challenges. Everything else can be solved while doing the job.

