Introducing Age UK Digital…

Rob Mansfield
Age UK Digital
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

Age UK is a charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life.

As one small part of the charity, the digital team works with other departments to both further their own transformation, and also build products and experiences to help older people themselves and the others who assist them.

We have 6 core values that we try to abide by:

1. Digital is a state of mind

Working in digital means that we think and work differently.

2. We put the user at the heart of everything

We focus on defining our audiences’ needs, we frame the issue, then we think about the solution. We continually check in with our users on what we are doing.

3. We challenge the status quo

We aren’t afraid to do things differently. We are comfortable with change and taking risks.

4. We work intelligently

We use the most relevant tools and processes to progress projects rapidly and find simple approaches. We don’t create something new if a good solution already exists elsewhere.

5. We continually measure, test and learn

We try things out, measure the results, learn from what we did and then improve for next time.

6. We actively collaborate

We are experts at our jobs, but share and learn wherever we can from others to keep improving.


Just like countless other organisations around the UK and the world, at Age UK we’re still learning and growing.

Every day, we discover new things about our users, acquire new skills and techniques to improve processes and update ways of working to become more efficient.

We want to use this blog to try to display how we employ our values in the work we do and what we’ve learned and discovered.

We’ll share examples of what we’ve done and where things have — and sometimes haven’t — worked.

If you want get in touch, feel free to reply to any of the posts or drop us a line on:

Happy reading!



Rob Mansfield
Age UK Digital

Do digital for charities, social media botherer, walking encyclopaedia, ephemera lover, pop culture nerd, quiz geek! Find me @robram