Learning Shortlist: Object Detection

Aggregate Intellect
Aggregate Intellect
2 min readNov 6, 2020

Creators: Alireza Darbehani, Arezoo Abdolahi

Objective: This blog post provides a shortlist of resources you can use to learn Object Detection in Computer Vision

Audience Level: Intermediate

Main Concept: Object Detection is the main concept you will learn through the following resources

Background Concept: You need to know Semantic Extraction in order to learn Object Detection

Subsequent Concept: Once you know Object Detection you can learn Image Recognition


You should go through the following resources in the order that is provided:

  1. CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

Type: Course; Theory, Main Concept

Estimated time commitment: 90 mins

Why is this a good resource: It is a Stanford university lecture on Detection and Segmentation that provides the basics you need

How to use this resource: Watch the whole video (optional: there are other related videos that you can watch too)

Instructor: Fei Fei Li

Link: http://cs231n.stanford.edu/

2. 12 Papers You Should Read to Understand Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era

Type: Blog post; Theory, Background Concept

Estimated time commitment: 90 mins

Why is this a good resource: This article has a comprehensive list of papers in object detection.

How to use this resource: Read the list of recommended papers

Author: Ethan Yanjia Li

Link: https://towardsdatascience.com/12-papers-you-should-read-to-understand-object-detection-in-the-deep-learning-era-3390d4a28891

3. Yolo-Models

Type: GitHub Repository; Implementation, Main Concept

Estimated time commitment: 90 mins

Why is this a good resource: Yolo-Model is one of the most famous models for the object detection task

How to use this resource: read the paper and play with the implementation

Creators: Joseph Redmon, Ali Farhadi

Link: https://github.com/eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3

4. Image Recognition and Object Detection in Retail

Type: Blog Post; Application, Subsequent Concept

Estimated time commitment: 20 mins

Why is this a good resource: This post provides a concrete example of objection detection used in industry

How to use this resource: Read the post for 3 different use cases of object detection in industry

Authors: Ankit Singh, ParallelDots

Link: https://www.kdnuggets.com/2020/02/image-recognition-object-detection-retail.html

