ML Resources — August 10

Suhas Pai
Aggregate Intellect
2 min readAug 10, 2021

The folks at Depth-First Learning back, but this time in an interview format. Here is an interview with Colin Raffel about the T5 architecture and large scale language model training.

The 6th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP was held last week at ACL 2021. The talks of the invited speakers have been made available on their website, featuring topics like speech representations, neural machine translation, and few-shot learning.

Michael Galkin has written an overview of over 30 papers on knowledge graphs that have been published at the recently concluded ACL 20201 conference.

Twitter is organizing a bug bounty for detecting algorithmic harms by ML models. This and more was discussed at the DEFCON- AI Village.

This is a neat guide by Michael Lones offering salient Do’s and Don’ts for researchers working with machine learning models.

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