We Need To Re-visit the Awesomeness of Electric Six

Why we need this band more than ever right now…

Evie Snow
Aggressively Positive
2 min readMar 23, 2020


Image courtesy of the author.

Picture this, it’s day ten of being stuck in your home with people you normally like, but they’re starting to do things that completely get on your tits (like chewing… breathing… maybe even just existing.) The newspapers are predicting all kinds of apocalypse, you’re really craving a freakin’ kebab, but the kebab place is shut (or is that just me?), and then this song comes back into your life. And suddenly everything is wonderful again. Kitchen dancing reigns supreme!

If you didn’t know, these guys are still going and every single album is as good as the last. They even have a wondrous live album that I suggest you listen to, pretending that you are at the gig, with a ridiculously tall person standing in front of you blocking the stage, the air smells like smoke machine and there’s a sweaty guy with the backpack doing his thing next to you, (What the hell does he have in that backpack? Why bring it to a gig? Why?!) but you still can’t stop dancing because you’re having a freakin’ amazing time.

I have enjoyed a kitchen dancing party for one with this album in Borneo, in Scotland, in Abu Dhabi and now, right now, at this very minute, in Istanbul. It’s unbelievably hard to type while doing this killer shoulder shimmy I’m rocking, but hey, it’s exercise and I can’t go outside. Wooo!

Evie Snow is the writer of complex, intelligent and humorous novels that she insists are fucking awesome. www.eviesnow.net



Evie Snow
Aggressively Positive

Evie Snow is a best-selling fiction and travel writer who roams the world, endlessly curious. www.eviesnow.net